NTU Architecture Subject Group


No. 6 Victoria Street is a historical Grade II building listed by the British Heritage. From its original purpose as the Midland Bank until its final use as Fashion retail store, the building demonstrates the changing manufacturing industry history of Nottingham city. The property is currently out of use; the intention of this proposal is to provide a temporary change of use and function, without any lasting changes, preserving its internal materiality and existing façade.

While in the research stage, several art galleries were spotted in the surrounding area of the site. This leaded the selection of new function for the space, an art gallery that could work as a link between the existing galleries to create an industrial art chain.
The existing structure has five large window openings facing Victoria Street, this condition was considered during the design stage to create an internal attractive space that can be perceived while the user is still on the street. The proposal takes advantage of the use of natural light for the creation of interactive exhibition spaces.

Qin Zheng
Student name
Qin Zheng
MA Interior Architecture and Design
Site Analysis

Site Analysis

Space Connections

Space Connections

Visitors' Movement

Visitors' Movement

MA Interior Architecture and Design

The MA Interior Architecture and Design is a multi-dimensional course which incorporates the understanding of interior, spatial and architectural design alongside an awareness of building structure.

The course is an intensive 53 week in length, and it is divided into three successive terms: Certificate, Diploma and Masters. The DIPLOMA SHOW is the conclusion of Term 2, launched in July 2021. At the end of Term 3 October 2021, the same students present their MASTERS SHOW before entering into industry or further studies.

The course has a very strong studio-based culture which is reflective of professional practice, with a combination of design and skills-based teaching and exploration with a strong focus on the spatial investigation, humancentric and holistic use of space.

Read more about the MA Interior Architecture and Design course

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